Miigwech for registering for the Members Portal section of this website.  The privacy of our Sheguiandah First Nation band members is extremely important to us.  In order to grant you access to the Members Portal, we must verify your status as a registered band member of Sheguiandah First Nation.

Please fill out the form provided below.  Once verified, we will seek to add you to the website user list and send you a link to manage your login credentials.


“Wait, something is different…”

Our portal has been revamped.  We have added much content and functionality, however this has required us to make some changes.

If you currently have a login for the Sheguiandah community portal, your username is now your email address.  Unfortunately, for security purposes, we were not able to import your password.  If you look at the top left of this screen, you will see a button that says “log in”.  Push that button to visit the log in page where you can request a link to be sent to your registered email to set a new password.  You are also free to reset with your old password if you choose.
Sometimes, when our site sends emails to you for the first time, you will need to retrieve them from your junk folder.  Go into your junk folder, click the message from the website (it should be clearly labeled), and in the message look for a link to click that will take you to a page to set your new password.  While in your email client, and while the message is open, look for a button to click that will say something like “not junk”.  All messages should then pass your junk filters and end up in your in box.

If you experience difficulties with the revamped portal, please use the button found at the bottom of this page to send us a message and we will do our best to help as quickly as possible.